Huber-Stiegler family

Dairy farm, farm holidays

Haus, Liezen district

Key data about the operation

  • approx. 55 dairy cows plus own offspring
  • Total farmed area approx. 45 ha
    (grassland, arable farming, forest, pasture)
  • more information at

MAMMUT devices

  • Silage spreader SILO TWIST
    „ST 290 Hurricane“
  • Silage roller SILO KOMPAKT
    "SK 250 H"
  • Shear grab SILO CAT
    "SC 220 H"

The increase in compaction performance is enormous

At the foot of the Hauser Kaibling, Florian Huber is already running his organic dairy farm in the 5th generation. He has recently relied on the powerful silage technology from MAMMUT and expanded his machinery with a silage spreader, a silage roller and a shear grab.

We decided to use the rotary silage spreader to quickly reduce the layer thickness so that there is more time for compaction. The silage roller, on the other hand, makes our compaction work much easier: So far, we have only been able to place 34 loading wagons in a transport silo and had to prepare a new silo for the remaining loads. Thanks to the silage roller, we have been able to put an average of seven to eight more loads into our silos this season than before. As a result, we now achieve not only more fodder but also better quality, because we have less residual oxygen in the silo due to the high compaction.

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