Hochrainer family

Dairy farm

Frankenburg, Vöcklabruck district
Upper Austria (Austria)

Key data about the operation

  • approx. 50 dairy cows
  • a total of approx. 110 cattle including calves
  • successful Simmental cattle breeding farm

MAMMUT devices

  • ST 290 CERES rotary silo distributor
  • FORTUNA feed refresher

More effectiveness was wanted!

Christian Hochrainer is a passionate farmer. He is not only involved in Simmental breeding, but also pays special attention to the quality of the feed for his cows. During silage production, the feed is therefore brought in with its own loading trailer in order to have the processes in the bunker silo perfectly under control – when it comes to distribution, effectiveness is required, of course.

"Shortly after we decided to have our own loading trailer on our farm, we also wanted to improve silage distribution. I like the CERES rotary spreader a lot because it allows me to quickly distribute the piles of feed that have been unloaded across the width. The silage making processes have therefore improved significantly. The edge above the silo can also be built up easily using the side swath curtains."

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