Alexander Kopper

Dairy farm

Grafendorf, district Hartberg
Styria (Austria)

Key data about the operation

  • approx. 80 dairy cows (plus own offspring)
  • Total area under cultivation approx. 70 ha (grassland, arable land, forest, pasture)
  • pure family business

MAMMUT devices

  • silage spreader SILO FOX
    „SF 230 GIGANT“
  • silage roller SILO KOMPAKT
    "SK 250 H"

Compaction as a basis

We visited the Kopper family during the second cutting. On this hot June day, about 30 ha of grassland and forage for the herd of 80 cows and their offspring were cut. The farm, which is located at the foot of the Wechsel, has had great breeding success in the Fleckvieh sector: Alexander’s cows have a barn average of 10,000 litres. The performance basis for this is the high quality of the basic feed, says Kopper. The family farm pays special attention to compaction in the silo – in the past, this was often the bottleneck in the silage chain. Now Alexander Kopper uses a SILO FOX “SF 230 Gigant” silage spreader in the front linkage. The GIGANT can also cope with thicker layers, such as those applied by push-off wagons. A SILO KOMPAKT “SK 250 H” silage compaction roller works simultaneously at the rear. The farmer is impressed by the high-quality workmanship and the resulting durability of the products.

The harvesting technology is becoming more and more powerful, but often outdated technology is used in the silo. We used to work with two tractors in the silo to cope with the rapidly delivered harvest. This cost not only time but also money. In addition, there was the strain on the drivers to look after each other at the heap. Today I am glad that I invested in MAMMUT technology. We can do the same work with a tractor with a better result.

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