Silage spreader

Silage spreader SILO FOX

The silage spreader from MAMMUT provides the best silage quality

When filling the bunker silo, even distribution and compaction up to the edges is often neglected. This is also mainly due to the technical possibilities. However, in order to provide consistent feed quality in the fermentation process, MAMMUT offers the right solutions in this case. The silage spreader of the SILO FOX series distributes the piles of feed evenly towards the front, and is ideal for use with large unloading quantities.

Quick working in the silo

During unloading into the bunker silo and subsequent distribution or compaction of the feed, effectiveness is required. The harvest chain must not be interrupted – this is ensured with the MAMMUT silage spreader.

Uniform silo structure

As well as effectiveness, the handling of the distribution technology and the quality of this essential work step are particularly important. The following applies: The more evenly the applied layer of feed is compacted, the greater the certainty of correct fermentation and high-quality silage.

Optimal swivelling behaviour

When it comes to ensiling, it's not just the distribution quality that counts - the MAMMUT SILO FOX also scores points with a well thought-out concept when swivelling the silage spreader: The pivot point is designed in such a way that a large swivel range is achieved and it is easy to swivel away from the silo wall.

Your benefits at a glance:

New 2022 model series

As of now, the MAMMUT silage spreaders of the SILO FOX series are available in a new design: All models have been visually and technically improved in the course of the revision and offer useful features to make silage distribution even more efficient and user-friendly.

SILO FOX Product family

The silage distributors from MAMMUT in a new design

Visually & technically improved:
Silage roller and silage distributor

Water-fillable drums as standard equipment

With the new model range, the standard equipment also changes: All types are now equipped with water-fillable drums – even the two larger silage distributors GIGANT and KOLOSS now offer the option of water filling as standard. This allows for an optimal adjustment of the weight ratios, and additionally guarantees the multiple use of your silage spreader.

Mammut-strong technology, even better

Furthermore, in the new development of the MAMMUT silage spreader, attention has been paid to a more solid construction of the safety bar. In combination with a well thought-out design, the new guard bar means not only safe use in silage harvesting but also ideal sliding of the forage to be distributed. From now on, the positioning of all hydraulic hoses is also centrally designed – this keeps the lines protected and the distribution remains free of blockages. In addition, the solid pivot point on the hydraulic swivel device (optional) guarantees trouble-free operation. A practical deflector plate package is now available as an accessory for the new models in the SILO FOX series, which allows the forage to slide off even better. Many other useful options offer maximum working comfort and individual adaptation to your operation.

The design of the safety bar reduces feed accumulation

All hydraulic hoses are well-protected

Solid pivot point

Ideal forage flow with the optional deflector plate package

Deflector plate package as an extra equipment

SILO FOX models


104 cm drum diameter
175 to 215 cm drum width

Silo Fox TITAN

115 cm drum diameter
205 to 245 cm drum width


128 cm drum diameter
230 to 280 cm drum width


148 cm drum diameter
260 to 290 cm drum width

Media & brochures

Stories - Customer references

Silage spreader SILO FOX
Silage roller SILO KOMPAKT
„SK 250 H“
The Konrad family
Upper Austria
2 pcs. SILO FOX "SF 290 KOLOSS" silage distributors
Günter Schütze contracting company
Wittingen, district of Gifhorn
Lower Saxony (Germany)
2 Silo Fox GIGANT – in use since 2005
1 Silo Fox KOLOSS – in use since 2019
silage roller SILO KOMPAKT -
in use since spring 2021
silage dozer blade SILO PUSH -
in use since 2024
Winkler KG
Fohnsdorf, Murtal district
Steiermark (Austria)
Silo Fox KOLOSS silo distributor – in use since 2020
Freund agricultural contractor
Eitzing, Ried im Innkreis district
Upper Austria (Austria)
silage distributor SILO FOX
shear bucket SILO BUCKET
"SB 220 H"
front loader LONG LIFE
Schmidbauer family
Lohnsburg, Ried im Innkreis district
Upper Austria (Austria)
silage spreader SILO FOX
silage roller SILO KOMPAKT
"SK 250 H"
Alexander Kopper
Grafendorf, district Hartberg
Styria (Austria)

Things to know

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