MAMMUT presents SILO PUSH silage dozer blade

Updated on:
October 28, 2024
Silage loading technology
Maria Schmidbauer


Maximum impact during maize harvesting with silage dozer blade

When ensiling chopped maize, efficiency in distribution and compaction is particularly important. The usually enormous unloading heaps must be distributed quickly over the entire silage clamp area so that the individual feed layers can be sufficiently compacted.

With the new MAMMUT silage dozer blade, spreading is now even easier and more efficient. Thanks to a working width of 4 metres, very large quantities can be pushed at once. The robust design withstands even the heaviest loads with ease and ensures reliable operation during the tight harvesting window.

The high impact force during spreading also ensures higher forage quality, as there is more time for compact compaction. Discover how the SILO PUSH dozer blade can make your work easier and increase your efficiency.

Mit dem neuen Maisschiebeschild von MAMMUT wird die Verteilarbeit jetzt noch einfacher und effizienter. Dank einer Arbeitsbreite von 4 m können sehr große Mengen auf einmal aufgeschoben werden. Die robuste Konstruktion hält auch größten Belastungen mühelos stand und gewährleistet den zuverlässigen Einsatz während dem knappen Erntefenster.

Die hohe Schlagkraft beim Verteilen sichert zudem eine höhere Futterqualität, da mehr Zeit für die kompakte Verdichtung bleibt. Entdecke, wie das Maisschild SILO PUSH deine Arbeit erleichtern und deine Effizienz steigern kann.

Advantages overview

MAMMUT SILO PUSH silage dozer blade Side wings folded backwards on the tractor

Side wings can be folded 180 °

The side wings of the MAMMUT SILO PUSH silage dozer blade can be folded 90° forwards and 90° backwards. This large radius makes working with the maize blade extremely easy and flexible. The wings can be controlled individually and thus ensure precise distribution of the individual piles of feed. The blade does not get in the way during subsequent compaction up to the silo wall.

MAMMUT SILO PUSH silage dozer blade robust blade base with Hardox

Robust blade substructure

The robust and well-designed blade base is crucial for trouble-free and gentle work with the maize leveller. There is a wear-resistant Hardox skid pad on the underside of the blade. This ensures trouble-free operation, as the skids run smoothly and evenly over the ground.

MAMMUT SILO PUSH silage dozer blade Design and working comfort

Maximum working comfort

The silage dozer blade can be filled with magnetite sand as standard for optimum ballasting of the carrier vehicle. The higher total weight also increases the compaction performance of the roller vehicle. Practical accessories further increase working comfort with the MAMMUT SILO PUSH silage dozer blade. The optional hydraulic swivelling device facilitates spreading, especially at the edge of the silo, and enables easy removal from the wall.

The SILO PUSH standard equipment

Technical data table

TypeWorking widthTransport widthTotal heightWeight
SP 4004,00 m2,50 m 1,62 m1.100 kg

Flexibility thanks to versatile accessories

The accessories for the SILO PUSH silage dozer blade play a crucial role in maximising flexibility and efficiency during maize harvesting. In a very stressful work process where every minute counts, the versatile accessories enable quick adaptation to different requirements and operating conditions. The wide range of extension options makes the maize push shield an even more powerful tool that optimises workflows and increases efficiency, ultimately leading to higher forage quality and a stress-free harvest.

Maximise impact with SILO PUSH and SILO KOMPAKT

The combination of the SILO PUSH silage dozer blade with the SILO KOMPAKT silage roller enables efficient distribution and compaction in a single pass. This innovative synergy saves valuable time, which is always in short supply during harvesting, and at the same time significantly reduces harvesting stress. The even distribution and effective compaction significantly improves silage quality, as it ensures that the maize silage is stored tightly and free of air. This leads to better feed quality, which has a positive effect on animal health and milk and meat production. With the SILO PUSH, MAMMUT sets new standards in silage technology and offers a state-of-the-art solution that optimises the entire harvesting process and significantly increases efficiency and profitability on farms.

MAMMU silage dozer blade SILO PUSH in combination with silage roller on the tractor

Contact us now

Discover how the SILO PUSH silage dozer blade can optimise your harvesting processes! Take the opportunity for a free consultation with our experts. Simply fill out our form and our team will contact you to discuss your individual requirements and find the best solution for your farm. Benefit from our expertise and let us advise you without obligation!

More about silage loading technology

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